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Preprints and PDFs available upon request

​* = Equal first authorship

^ = Undergraduate co-author

19. Lerch BA, Bürger R, and Servedio MR. 2024. Reconciling Santa Rosalia: Both reproductive isolation and coexistence constrain diversfication. American Naturalist. In press. (link)


18. Bishop ME^, Servedio MR, and Lerch BA. 2024. The evolution of fear-aquisition strategies under predation. Journal of Theoretical Biology 595: 111949. (link)


​17. Lerch BA and Servedio MR. 2024. The evolution of mate attachment. American Naturalist 204(4): E70-E84. (link).


16. Lerch BA, Zipple MN, Gesquire L, Sloan ET, Beehner JC, and Alberts SC. 2024. Male-mediated early maturation unlikely to evolve via adaptive evolution. Animal Behaviour 214: 219-240. (link)


15. Lerch BA and Abbott KC. 2024. A flexible theory for the dynamics of social populations: Within-group density dependence and between-group processes. Ecological Monographs 94(2): e1604. (link)


14. Stankowski S, Cutter AD, Satokangas I, Lerch BA, Rolland J, Smadja CM, Segami Marzal JC, Cooney CR, Feulner PGD, Bicalho Domingos FMC, North HL, Yamaguchi R, Butlin RK, Wolf JBW, Coughlan J, Heidbreder P, Hernández-Gutiérrez R, Barnard-Kubow KB, Peede D, Rancilhac L, Brincalepe Salvador R, Thompson KA, Stacy EA, Moyle LC, Garlovsky MD, Maulana A, Kantelinen A, Cacho NI, Schneemann H, Domínguez M, Dopman EB, Lohse K, Rometsch SJ, Comeault AA, Merrill RM, Scordato ESC, Singhal S, Pärssinen V, Lackey ACR, Kumar S, Meier JI, Barton N, Fraïsse C, Ravinet M, and Kulmuni J. 2024. Toward the integration of speciation research. Evolutionary Journal of the Linnean Society 3(1): kzae001. (link)


13. Lerch BA, Rudrapatna A, Rabi N, Wickman J, Koffel T, and Klausmeier CA. 2023. Connecting local and regional scales with stochastic metacommunity models: Competition, ecological drift, and dispersal. Ecological Monographs 93(4): e1591. (link)


12. Bishop ME^ and Lerch BA. 2023. The influence of language on the evolution of cooperation. Evolution and Human Behavior 44(4): 349-358. (link)


11. Lerch BA and Servedio MR. 2023. Predation drives complex eco-evolutionary dynamics in sexually-selected traits. PLoS Biology 21(4): e3002059. (link)​


10. Xu K*, Lerch BA*, and Servedio MR. 2023. The Fisher process of sexual selection with the coevolution of preference strength. Evolution 77(4): 1043-1055. (link)


9.  Lerch BA and Servedio MR. 2023. Indiscriminate mating and the coevolution of sex discrimination and sexual signaling. American Naturalist 201(4): E56-E69. (link)


8.  Lerch BA, Smith DA, Koffel T, Bagby SC, and Abbott KC. 2022. How public can public goods be? Environmental context shapes the evolutionary ecology of partially private goods. PLoS Computational Biology 18(11): e1010666. (link)


7.  Lerch BA, Price TD, and Servedio MR. 2022. Better to divorce than be widowed: Mortality and environmental heterogeneity drive the evolution of divorce. American Naturalist 200(4): 518-531. (link; media)


6.  Clejan I, Congleton CD, and Lerch BA. 2022. The emergence of group fitness. Evolution 76(8): 1689-1705. (link)


5.  Lerch BA, Abbott KC, Archie EA, and Alberts SC. 2021. Better baboon breakups: Collective decision theory of complex social network fissions. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288(1964): 20212060. (link; media)


4.  Lerch BA and Servedio MR. 2021. Same-sex sexual behaviour and selection for indiscriminate mating. Nature Ecology and Evolution 5(1): 135-141. (link; preprint; talk; media)


3.  Lerch BA and Abbott KC. 2020. Allee effects drive the coevolution of cooperation and group size in high reproductive skew groups. Behavioral Ecology 31(3): 661-671. (link)


2.  Lerch BA, Dautel KA, Brewer S, Liang A, Siewe N, and Flanagan SP. 2020. Space, density, and extra-pair matings have opposing impacts on male and female reproductive success. Population Ecology 62(2): 269-283. (link)


1.  Lerch BA, Nolting BC, and Abbott KC. 2018. Why are demographic Allee effects so rarely seen in social animals? Journal of Animal Ecology 87(6): 1547-1559. (link)


  1. Aubier TG and Lerch BA. The role of pleiotropy and population structure in the evolution of altruism through the greenbeard effect. In revision for Evolution.

  2. Lerch BA, Yitbarek S, and Catella SA. Shared sinks alter competitive outcomes via edge effects. Under review at Ecology.

  3. Lerch BA. Neutral genes causing Dobzhansky-Muller incompatibilities may have elevated false positive rates in tests for selection. Under review at Evolution.

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